Deadline: March 4th, 2018
*The abstract must be submitted in English*
a) Text: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5.
b) Title: UPPERCASE, in bold, centred text.
c) List of authors: full name(s), centred text. In case of more than one author’s affiliated Institution, authors have to be sequentially identified with superscript numbers after the last name.
d) Institution(s): full name of the Department and/or Institute, and full name of the Institution followed by the city and country.
e) Abstract text: up to 350 words, justified text, with the following structure: 1) Introduction, 2) Aims; 3) Methodology, 4) Results, and 5) Conclusions.
f) Financial support (optional): if the study was supported include the name of the financial support agency.
g) Keywords: include 3 to 6 keywords that were not included in the title.
h) Save your file in Word 2007 format/type (.doc)